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Contract for all student participants in CHStage


Please sign and have a parent or guardian sign and return this form. 


By signing this form and participating in the audition, I understand the following:


1. The casting of this show is determined by the needs of the show, the talent potential, and evidence of student commitment. Do not allow your ego to become too great to accept a smaller role. You are given the part because of your ability to play it, not because you had a large part previously or it is your last year in school.


2.  Upon being selected for the show, you accept the show as the primary commitment for the rehearsal and performance period.


3.  Be present and on time for rehearsals. Absence (unexcused) from (3) rehearsals will result in a conference with the director.  Excessive excused absences (5) will result in a conference with the director and the parents to determine further eligibility in the production. 


4.  In the event of an illness, I will contact the director via visit, phone, or email BEFORE the beginning of rehearsal (telling someone to tell the director does not count).


5.  Please practice the following:

  • Sign in with the stage manager upon arrival at rehearsal and turn off your cell phone before checking in.  Inform your parents that you are not allowed to accept calls or messages in the middle of rehearsal.  

  • *NEVER leave the rehearsal area unless signing in/out with the SM or AD.

  • Students found in places they don’t belong in the building will be recast.

  • No guests may come to rehearsal without director approval.

  • No gum chewing while performing or reading lines.

  • There is no food or drink allowed in the wings or near any costume areas.

  • Work on homework or your lines when not onstage!

  • Understudies should be at ALL rehearsals their principal actor attends.

  • Understudies will have work to do and must always have a pencil!  They are expected to have lines memorized at the same time as the principal.

  • Have a script and a pencil with you at all times.   Have my rehearsal shoes and any special clothing with you at every rehearsal.


6.  Leave all personal business outside of rehearsals and/or performance. Reserve the “drama” for your onstage performances! It takes self–discipline to accomplish this, but we expect it of our actors and technicians. ***NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR OF ANY KIND (INTERNET, TEXTING, WORD OF MOUTH, ETC...) IS GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM THE DRAMA COMPANY. 


7.  STAY ACADEMICALLY ELIGIBLE. Ineligibility WILL result in removal from the production.  Eligibility is a 2.0 and no more than one E.


8. Illegal Activity of ANY kind (underage drinking, drug use, shoplifting, etc.) is ground for immediate removal from the show, dismissal from the activity and subject to the consequences of the school as well.


9. You are not to make any changes to your personal appearance, i.e. tattoos, hair color, hair cutting, etc. without clearance from the director.  Certain physical traits you have may be beneficial for your character.


10.  Always keep the group chat unmuted and use it responsibly.  It is for communication of group events and show dealings, not for excessive memes or rude comments.


11. Respect everyone you work with.  Crew heads are student assigned.  Don’t make their job any harder than it already is.


12. Assume responsibility for the care of all scripts, costumes, props, and tools used.  

13. Help with strike and the cleaning of the stage areas on the Sunday after the performance.  Thespian points will be deducted if you are absent from strike.


14.  Do not allow the comments of friends, relatives or critics to change any phase of my work without proper authorization. Do not alter lines, business, lights, properties, setting, costumes or any phase of the production without consultation with and permission from the director. If lines are altered during production without the approval of the director, thespian points will be deducted and other consequences may apply.


12.  Electronic Devices are a distraction at rehearsal and should not be used. They should never be backstage or onstage during a performance.


13.  Pay the CHStage Theater Production Fee to participate in the production.  This money will be used in the production costs of the play.


We operate as a professional theatre would, so please maintain professional standards even when not in rehearsal.  Students with excessive behavior issues may be in jeopardy of losing their role. At any time it is the director’s right to dismiss you from the show if your attitude and does not meet expectations. I treat our theatre as a professional organization which just happens to be operated and performed by students!  Please help maintain our production to this level of expectations.


I look forward to working with you in this production!


I have read and fully understand the guidelines and procedures for  CHStage. I agree to abide by them. I understand that violation of these rules will result in my dismissal from CHStage.


Guardian Signature & Date  _____________________  Student Signature & Date  _______________________


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22500 Wims Rd. Clarksbug Md 20871


Instagram: @_chstage

Twitter: @_chstage

TikTok: @Chstage


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