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Theatre Company

A Montgomery County Public Schools Theatre

Upcoming shows

To Our Theater


CHStage is an award winning theater program in Clarksburg, Maryland.

We produce two mainstage shows during the school year.

Additionally, we typically perform various scenes, songs, monologues, and 
a one-act piece​ for competitive festivals.

Our Leaders
Our Production Staff

The Artistic Director- Michelle Meyer
The Assistant Director- Emma Veteto
The Technical Director - Patrick Evans
The Musical Director – Matthew Tilkens

Student Leadership

Josie Escario- President

Sammi Fletcher-  Vice President 
Estrella Morales - Secretary
Lydia Wester- Treasurer
Tristan Perkins - Cappies Lead

Savin Criddle- Freshman Rep
Sarah Ulicny - Sophomore Rep
Vick Peterson - Junior Rep
Sierra Flowers - Senior Rep


Student Production Staff

Stage Manager - Sammi Fletcher
Stage Right Manager - Alexa Davaltova
Stage Left Manager - Tristan Perkins
Props Head- Estrella Morales & Tayler Edick
Costume Head- Molly Ridgway

Sound Head- Mehul Jasti

Special Effects-Kaitlyn Green
Lighting Head- Vick Peterson
Paint Head- Tatiana Juarez



CHStage Save the Date

*December 19th Dance Workshop in the Auditorium


*December 19th Audition form opens 

*January 12-13 Maryland Thespian Festival @ UofMD at CP

(Reservation on Jan 12 @ College Park Marriot Hotel and Conference Ctr)

*January 19- 20 Mountain Theater Festival @ Frostburg State University

*January Auditions for Spring Musical, Mean Girls

*January 23 (7pm) CHStage Parent Meeting in Choir Room

*April 8-11 Mean Girls: Tech Week

*April 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 Mean Girls Performances

(parent volunteers and donations needed)


*May 14 Bake Sale Fundraiser


*May 15 EOY Banquet/Induction

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